Tuesday, October 26, 2004

What was the last thing I wrote? Can't remember. I left Savannah this morning and am now in St Augustine, Florida. Taken a look around town, discovered I am trapped because I have been really bad at organising myself and will be getting up at 4am to check if the full train on Thursday has had any cancellations. Did ghost tour thing last night in Savannah, got told lots of cool stories, went for a beer and walked around town at night with an originally Austrian American lady, who was by turns, hilarious and highly embarrassing. Got rained on yesterday afternoon, always good when you are locked out of the hostel in the daytime.


At 9:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vaga's won on the weekend and it's raining.

Some fella, fell off the Safeway/Morrisons Multistorey Carpark.

That's it. You are now up to date on life on the Rock.

At 3:39 am, Blogger Katie said...


At 10:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Morrisons.

Since you left Morrisons have bought Safeways and now we have more reasons to shop at Morrisons!!


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