Monday, September 27, 2004

I'm now in the train up yesterday from Wellington, bit of a rush so I didn't have time to make myself any food. Damn. Should have known that train food would be similar to UK standard. And strangely, for a country with about 4 trains, there were all sorts of delays, broken down freight trains, work on the tracks etc. So now I feel a bit like I am back where I started, minus Liz, car and a lot of money. I fed the hostel cat for the last time yesterday morning, Glenn gave me some mints and liquorice (got so hungry I developed a liking for the liquorice). Got a leaving present from work and we had lunchtime pizza as well, so, pretty good last day! Friday night got a bit messy, I knew I should have gone home before 4.30am. Completely wasted a beautiful sunny Saturday lying in bed. Am booked on an Awesome Adventures trip in for a busy time, lying on beaches and then getting a boat to the next beach. Maybe a little snorkel....


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