Sunday, November 27, 2005


And a picture of a lovely boy.

Edinburgh getting Christmassy & Snowy

Monday, November 21, 2005

nutritional input

I'm 26 and currently have the diet of a 16 year old left to their own devices...chocolate biscuits and coke! This is due to being extremely busy trying to remember how to do assignments (4 in the next couple of weeks), keep my room tidy, and ensure I speak to people I love just enough for them to remember who I am and still speak to me, so I will retain a modicum of social life for when i have handed my stuff in. Tricky concepts as I barely have time to speak to my housemates, let alone blog. Wish my luck in my self imposed solitary confinement with my mac and 20 library books for company.......

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

walking up big hills

My legs are still feeling it. Understandably.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Scottish mud is shiny

Indeed. It's all over everything I wore, carried or touched yesterday. But it's nice to be a bit sparkly when you are covered in mud and dead tree slime and have gone the wrong way coming down off a mountain and had to fight your way through plantation. Not just me by the way, there were 12 of us (just me and I would have been rooted to the spot as I am kind of scard of dead old treeds) and luckily it was dark so I couldn't see the nastiness I was putting my hands into. Otherwise yesterday was a very good day...I made myself laughing cow sandwiches and a thermos of coffee and carried them up and down a couple of munros, ending in the Blair Witch-esque lost in the woods thing. Today my knees know they haven't walked up enough mountains in recent years. At one point I'm sure I felt bone grinding down at every step I took. Eee.

Going to winter mountain safety talk tonight. Good.