The new me.
So , the new Katie. This is working out OK except for occasional lapses in judgement. Sometimes it results in having to be nice to people you don't really want to be nice to....I am politer to people who try and chat me up now, I don't really want a reputation for meanness! Then, before you know it, you're apologising to them because they broke a little bit of your tooth. I vow, from this moment on, to never drink beer from the bottle again. Except, in a non crowded place. And even then, I think I will be very careful. Yes, I had to file my tooth with a nailfile when I got home. It's not noticeable, but I notice it.All those NY resolutions I attempted to keep (only a few posts ago, due to my recent slackness on the blog front) are going very well! I quit some things, lost some weight, and tried to be more tolerant with people. This seems to have translated itself as being rather more brutally honest than is necessary. I'm working on that. The new me also loves my new red cowboy boots. Did I mention that?
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