Sunday, January 09, 2005

I've been home for nearly a month. I again have 2 jobs and no money, although I am slowly starting to sort my life out. I've decided that attempting to play rugby is not a very good idea for me. I am sooo scared of getting hurt, so maybe it's not the ideal hobby for me. I have instead, decided to try line-dancing. Luckily I am blessed with a good memory, and a decent enough sense of rhythm (drummed in against my will during 13 years of dancing lessons), so the first attempt at joining a lesson last week wasn't too humiliating.
I'm also looking at finding some volunteer work to do. There's a site dedicated to volunteering on the rock, which has been quite helpful so far. Liz and I started the year with a good deed, and took a walk through Molly Quirk's and Groudle Glens and picked up a good proportion of the litter.
Adding to the list of New Year resolutions, I am not going to take any abuse from customers. I ignored one the other week till she went away....a little tip when you are trying to get served in a really busy bar with one person behind it, do not criticise them, swear about how slow they are, or scowl at them, none of these help. Especially when it is Christmas Eve. I want peace and joy from people the other side of the bar, not bad drunken manners. I met the person in question in a pub a few days ago, we were having drinks with a mutual friend, and were both kind of embarrassed to realise we had already met!
Doing some staying in today, our severe weather is continuing and it is dark. Most of the island apparently has only 1 tv channel, so my options are BBC1 or tidying my room again. Or I get the Buffy videos out.
Line dancing again on Tuesday night. Yay.


At 1:02 am, Blogger C, T and Piglet said...

Am impressed at all your multiple activities and good deads. Am also v glad you have decided to leave the Rock in May. Have you heard yet about any masters? IĀ“thinking that could be a good option for me when i get back - anything to postpone work again!


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