I am listening to Radio 1...for the first time in about 10 months! Waiting for Chris Moyles to come on...I miss him. Oh, just realised he swapped to the mornings just as I left. Hmm. Did you know that swearing is allowed on New Zealand radio? Not so much trouble about it as back home. And the one I listened to in Wellington gave away free plastic surgery! Did I mention this? The only one I would have gone for would be teeth whitening. No skin cutting for me thank you, imagine winning collagen injections or liposculpture over the radio. I kind of like scandalous radio stations though. BRMB was my favourite in Brum. For all the 'special' things they did like getting two strangers married to each other, and sitting people on blocks of dry ice (and underestimating their desperation for the tickets in question, getting hospitalised in the process) they got me through the year of dissertation writing.
Sometimes, I go away for months, come home, and we are still playing the same music in all the bars as before I went. I suspect that after a year, this will not be the case although, I don't know, maybe Nelly and Kelly still pop up occasionally as the closing song in the Outback.
Strange sign seen in window of shop; please do not use this shop as a phone booth unless your name is Clark Kent. Does this mean no talking on the phone or no getting changed in the middle of the shop?
Been educating myself a bit more, spent many hours in the Natural History museum (frog skeletons are cute) and this week was the turn of the American History Museum, which was full of scouts. So there I am on the third floor, learning all there is to know about Ella Fitzgerald and perusing the largest dolls house ever, when I smell a funny smell. It's still there when I get to the second floor, and gets stronger down on the 1st floor. I get to the ground floor to go and see the cars and the big locomotive, and discover the source of the stench. No, not the scouts. SUBWAY. Yes, the "particular" smell of Subway even invades the Smithsonian collection. I do admit to a few late night Subway sandwiches in New Zealand, particularly that week in Queenstown, but that was all to do with the beer.
Have also been to the zoo and fallen in love with a crustacean. It is the peacock mantis shrimp, who, if you buy one and put him in your aquarium, will eat all your fish and then break out of the tank, cracking and destroying your aquarium. They are beautiful but can take the skin off your finger. Favourite animal. They also had some of the huge spiders with red legs that hung in their webs behind the bar in camp in Madagascar.
OK, that's it. Going to write something more about what I have actually been doing later. xxx
Monday, November 15, 2004
creative tagline coming soon.
Blogs I Read
These are the blogs of people I actually know. Well, two so far, but I am spreading the blogging word and trying to persuade people I know to start one.
Previous Posts
- Somebody asked me this question last week, about w...
- Continuing with the theme of the world ending, an ...
- Happy Birthday Fiona
- So, a mildly apolcalyptic few days over here. I sp...
- So it is Sunday, it's Hallowe'en, I am in New Orle...
- have discovered that whiskey is bad for me.
- excuse spelling is ergonomic keyboard
- So, discovered that I messed up with the trains, t...
- What was the last thing I wrote? Can't remember. I...
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