Monday, April 19, 2004

Think I've had about 12 hours sleep...couldn't keep my eyes open past 8pm last night, yesterday was the longest day ever! Trying to think of something to do that everyone I meet up with tomorrow won't want to do in Auckland, I don't want to end up doing the same things twice now do I. Thought maybe the Arts museum, then maybe I can drag parents and sis to the Maritime museum and then the Aquarium. I keep looking at all the campervan and car adverts...I'd love one, means you can get to lots more places and not miss out on the hidden bits. Don't know what I'd do without a car on the Isle of Man (well, access to one anyway, thanks dad). By the way, my new comments system is up and running, and seems to work, I have posted one to myself already, and I think it's quite cool. Please write some. Also have new hit counter, and I'm looking for a guestbook next, getting quite handy with copied html!


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