Saturday, April 10, 2004

only 1 week left in South America.....:(

Arrived in Rio yesterday morning, feeling unusually refreshed after a journey...because we flew!! My last day in Rio was spent in Santa Tereza, an old colonial nighbourhood that you get the tram up to, with people hanging off the sides to avoid paying the fare! It looks a lot like Lisbon actually, slightly delapidated, with tiled buildings and elaborate churches. C and I spent most of our afternoon talking to an oldish Brazilian, who was a pianist, and possibly also quite a creepy old man. My bites that are only just going away leaving large bruises, as someone suggested the other day, were possibly spider bites...and as they were on my knee and the back of my legs, I don't really like the thought that they were probably hiding under a chair I sat on somewhere. Hostel in Buenos Aires is v nice, the Gardenhouse, I have my own key, and as it's a while since I stayed in a hotel, there is a real possibility of losing it. Went to a club caled Podesta last night, which played a lot of 80s music, some New Order and a lot of tuns that sounded like the start of Enola Gay, but were something else entirely. Today, me and a guy called Chris have taken ourselves off to the zoo. Highlights of this include the fruitbats, who have to turn themselves the right way up to have a wazz, the hippopotami (uses?) and feeding the sealions with sardines. Shame they don't sell you a handwipe along with the sardines! And as I think I have mentioned before, the herds of stray cats are quite cool...they are all hanging out in a park across th road from this internet cafe, and they all look pretty happy. The parks are closed at night, so they don't get disturbed by humans or dogs.


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