Sunday, April 18, 2004

Arrival in NZ

:) :) :) :) :)
Arrived! And you'd be amazed how short a 13 hour flight is after the selection of 24 hour buses I took in South America. Less legroom, but hey you can't have everything, more films though, so I watched Matchstick Men cos mostly I like Nicholas Cage. Is pretty good, and is one of those where you try and look back over the whole film to see if you missed something obvious. Plane landed at 5am, (12 noon yesterday afternoon in South America...or something like that, brain's a little fuzzy on the details and I have no idea what time it is at home, so lucky I have nothing to phone anyone about yet). Parents and sis arrive on Wednesday afternoon, so I'm looking up all the things I want to do....trouble is I can't remember where they said they were going apart from Rotarua and Coromandel.


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