Yesterday, for the first time ever, I spent about 7 hours on a horse. Today I hurt all over. Well, just thighs really, but ow! Me and my horse, yes again I got the slow one, were at the back most of the time, I even got given a cane thing to slap it on the ass with to make it go faster.....which I didn't do much cos I felt bad. Quite a bit group of us went, and we rode through tobacco fields, chili pepper fields, went for a gallop (scary!) had a lot of wine with lunch and the got back on the horses and went to a tobacco factory and stood in the ovens where they humidify the leaves after they have been dried and turned yellow. The cool bit was when we left all 13 horses tied up in the main square of small village, and went for a beer outside a bar. Getting back on caused me some major pain though and on the way back in the dark I thought I was just going to pass out and slide off the horse. Been bitten by a few mozzies again, but nowhere near the level of last time's mosquito hell.Monday I had a day on my own and went up the hill on the cable car...should have walked up really but was lazy and decided to walk down it instead. Stunning views over the city...Salta is gorgeous, all white and shiny with red roofs, and laid out in squares. It feels very European, specially with the long siestas so nothing ever opens till 5pm. Onwards to Mendoza pretty soon. Hope to be able to post some photos soon. x
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