Tuesday, August 24, 2004

So apparently I make the worst beds in the world. I currently have a sheet, 2 blankets, a duvet and my fleecy cuddle blanket. Every night I wake up with the duvet on the floor, one blanket itching my face, the sheet wrapped around my neck, and I am always freezing (which means re-making my bed when I wake up all cold, waking up properly in the process and having to try for ages to get back to sleep). To make things worse, the other night at 4am I woke up to Cat squawking outside my door. When I opened it, Cat looked at me, blatantly thought "hah, gotcha" and walked off. And I somehow managed to set one of my alarms for 6.12am. (Yep, ONE of my alarms...I have several because at 7am, bed is my favourite place in the world and I don't want to leave it. I suspect nobody really believes my Madagascar stories of getting up at 6.30 every day). For the last 2 mornings I have failed to put it back to the proper time, thus waking up at 6.12am every day this week. After thinking about all of this I am no longer wondering why I am always tired!
The other thing is, I am always 1 to 5 minutes late for work. This I blame on the traffic lights. They take forever to change and let the poor pedestrian workers cross. Walked extra fast this morning though, due to mad old-ish lady walking along behind me shouting unintelligible stuff. As we probably all know of Katie's experience with mad old lady in France.......best to keep away!


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