So apparently I make the worst beds in the world. I currently have a sheet, 2 blankets, a duvet and my fleecy cuddle blanket. Every night I wake up with the duvet on the floor, one blanket itching my face, the sheet wrapped around my neck, and I am always freezing (which means re-making my bed when I wake up all cold, waking up properly in the process and having to try for ages to get back to sleep). To make things worse, the other night at 4am I woke up to Cat squawking outside my door. When I opened it, Cat looked at me, blatantly thought "hah, gotcha" and walked off. And I somehow managed to set one of my alarms for 6.12am. (Yep, ONE of my alarms...I have several because at 7am, bed is my favourite place in the world and I don't want to leave it. I suspect nobody really believes my Madagascar stories of getting up at 6.30 every day). For the last 2 mornings I have failed to put it back to the proper time, thus waking up at 6.12am every day this week. After thinking about all of this I am no longer wondering why I am always tired!
The other thing is, I am always 1 to 5 minutes late for work. This I blame on the traffic lights. They take forever to change and let the poor pedestrian workers cross. Walked extra fast this morning though, due to mad old-ish lady walking along behind me shouting unintelligible stuff. As we probably all know of Katie's experience with mad old lady in to keep away!
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
creative tagline coming soon.
Blogs I Read
These are the blogs of people I actually know. Well, two so far, but I am spreading the blogging word and trying to persuade people I know to start one.
Previous Posts
- It is absolutely freezing in my room making it ver...
- Anybody want Gmail? I realise you may be all perfe...
- Back to normal now, but the last few days I have b...
- still blowing a hooley here in the harbour city!
- oh my god you have got to see the weather I have t...
- Commemorative playing of Elvis songs on Wellington...
- I'm a parliament geek. I've been to a few now, IOM...
- "Those omnipresent Manxmen are blooming everywhere...
- I walk home past a shop called House of Hank. Exce...
- I haven't moved. Webb St Backpackers has a cat an...
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