Saturday, July 17, 2004

Had a beautiful day on Friday for walking up the glacier, the sun was shining, everyone had their sexy thermals and waterproofs on, and a few peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. However, our group of ten didn't really bond until we all spent an hour walking down a really thin crack in the ice, only to be told by Carl, the self-professed "clumsiest glacier guide you'll ever meet" that there was a lake in our way and we had to turn back.  Turn back! The dismay was palpable.  You see, anyone at all, er, fatter, bigger in any way, than me, had immense trouble the first time round squeezing through a tiny and oddy shaped part which was followed by a hole in the ground. I got through. It was Dave from Arizona's misfortune to be unable to get through without turning himself horizontal and pushing till he popped through the other side (pop!) and sent me flying, so I found myself balanced with one leg either side of the hole.  And Dave from Arizona backwards, head downhill, having landed on my leg.  My right leg was the hero of the day having saved him from going headfirst down a hole. With much trepidation 20 people turned around and tried to get back the same way....with the ice melting, the puddles becoming deep lakes, inched through the skinny bits, everyone pledging to lose a few pounds, and afinally arrived at the edge of the glacier nearly 2 hours later than expected, went home got in the spa, then went out for several beers and a bit of pizza. Yum.  Title of blog should be don't follow katie. Arrived in Greymouth late yesterday afternoon, found ourselves a new home,  "Noah's Ark" , Liz and I have the penguin room and the ginger cat has taken a liking to us and slept on my bed half the night, then, spreading his favours equally, swapped to Liz for the rest of the night. And Liz met someone she went to school with. Got my phone on loud hoping Sarah S phones at some point as she is supposed to be in Greymouth too.  Bought more vegetables and some honey from the side of the road yesterday. Bargains to be had on Highway 6 if you ever make it to this part of the world.


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