Tuesday, October 11, 2005

2nd time fresher

I love my new computer, it's like a little baby. Sometimes it makes me cry, which is maybe the wrong way round for the analogy to work, and it really annoys me when I can't make it do what I want it to, but otherwise it's all going pretty well so far. I'm about to do a sociable thing and leave the house and go and find the university climbing wall. My climbing shoes have been given a massive shock....I removed them from under the bed, which is at least a start. Now I'm going to go and show myself up, I'm counting on there being lots of beginners there. Also, my second trip to the library is about to take place. Really, the only difference between last time and this time round is the amount of work I am doing. At least this time I know that I am supposed to be reading, I'm pretty sure in my first year at Birmingham, lectures were incidental. Economics being at 9am was a perfectly valid reason not to go, I'm pretty sure I still owe Jamie for my 7% pass margin in first year. The other differences are that I have not shelled out a random £6 to join the French society...don't think I ever turned up to anything they did and I have also not been chatted up by any 2nd years. In dodgy wigs. Crashing the Carwash party. Luckily.


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