Sunday, February 29, 2004

Back in La Paz

One of my posts has gone, maybe repeat, maybe it'll show up as the blog has a mind of its own. Flew back from Rurre, well, spent 2 days trying to leave the place, as it was 37 degrees and I thought I was dying!! Got up and out for 7.30am two days in a row in an attempt to leave and got screwed over both days. On Friday our 7.30am flight finally went at 4pm, was amazing views over huge expanses of rainforest, that it's nice to know exist, and what I saw was just a tiny part of it! People had been telling us about the minuscule size of the planes...but they fit 38 people on! Smaller ones regularly go from the IOM to Birmingham, so I had no issues with the plane size. Flying back was definitely a good idea!! One hour compared to 24. Remember the 2 Brits that we hadn't spoken to but seen everywhere......they were on the road to Rurre, next to a broken down bus and tried to ask our driver to get on universal bus driver style, he ignored them. Today, have been having a coffee near our hotel and who walks in???? So figured it was time to say hello, given they have been following us for a month!


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